Firstly, welcome to the Anime NFT Community!
We are so excited to have you here with us!
This website was created by weeb3dao (with the support of Anifam and uwucrew) to be used as an information booklet to help onboarding new anime artists integrate into to the current Anime NFT Community.
Why "Anime NFT Community" and not just NFT Community?
There are a lot of NFT Communities in general but our community mainly focus on anime-inspired style of artworks, as we consist of collectors and artists that are currently active in the Anime NFT Community.
The first NFT was created on May 2014, and while NFT has been around for many years now. Anime NFT artists only started to join at the start of 2021. This means that those of you who are joining now are very early to the new way of integrating NFT to the anime art world.
In recent months, the Anime NFT Community has been growing continuously, but there is a lack of information. This led to new artists having to ask others continuously as they have no guidance. There is also a discrepancy too as each person will have different experiences and different answer to each question you ask.
Due to that reason, we have created this website and hope this will be able to help you find the information you need much easier.