How to Airdrop an NFT (Polygon)

  1. On Opensea, navigate to My Collections, then click Create a collection.
  2. img1img2
  3. Submit the required information (Logo Image, Collection Name)
  4. In Blockchain, click on Ethereum, and switch the blockchain to Polygon
  5. img3
  6. Click Create at the bottom of the page when you are ready to launch your collection.
  7. img4If you go back to My Collections, you should be able to see a Polygon symbol on the bottom left of the collection instead of the Ethereum icon.img5
  8. Click Add item on your collection page to add an NFT to the collection.
  9. img6
  10. Fill out the required information for your airdrop as needed.
  11. Increase the Supply of the Airdrop as needed (ex. number of Bidders on auction)
  12. img7
  13. Create the Item when you are ready to mint the airdrop.
  14. Click on the Item you want to airdrop and select Transfer
  15. img8
  16. Enter the recipient’s Ethereum address.
    • For Foundation Auctions

      You can navigate to a bidder’s Foundation profile by clicking on their name in the Provenance section of the nft. Below the user’s avatar there should be an Ethereum address that you can copy.
    • For Opensea

      Under Item Activity on the NFT’s page, click the buyer’s name. You will easily be able to copy their wallet address or ENS address on their profile page.img11img12
  17. Once you’ve confirmed the correct address, click Transfer
    Confirm the transfer interaction with Metamask.img15
    img16img17Refresh the item page and double check you’ve transferred the item to the correct recipient.img18

Planning for Auctions with Airdrops
