How to burn your NFT
If you ever want to remove an NFT from any marketplaces due to certain reasons: made a typo within the description, you no longer want to sell the NFT, you want to keep your works limited. You can check our the guides below to help you learn about the process of Burning (Deleting) your NFT from the blockchain.
Guide for Burning Gas
Burning NFT does not cost as much gas as Minting or Listing the artwork, but you can still check our previous guide for reference on how to keep track of gas.
Burning Guides for each Marketplaces
This is only for NFTs minted on OpenSea storefront. To burn other NFTs on OpenSea, simply transfer it to 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dead.
Other marketplaces do not have guides available but the process should be simple enough with either a "Burn" or "Delete" button in their options.