weeb3dao Mint Scholarship


  • weeb3dao’s mint scholarship helps artists to get started in NFT. The scholarship is supported by donations and we do not profit from it.
  • We do not judge your art skills or styles and would like to give out opportunities to everyone who can prove that the artworks are of their own creations and not stolen or plagiarized.
  • Being accepted is not an endorsement, we are also not responsible for artists who committed acts of plagiarism and copyright infringement after receiving the scholarship.
  • We are in no way accepting acts of plagiarism and copyright infringement. We will give public warning if any offence is committed by scholarship receivers.
  • While we would like to give artists second chances as we understand that there are young artists who might not understand the rules of plagiarisms and copyright infringement, we will not accept acts of repeated offence.

Things that we would like for our scholarship recipients to be cautious of:

  • Stealing/tracing and heavy referencing (e.g. pose/character designs) should be avoided.
  • Art style imitation is debatable and depends more on the artists themselves. If the artist is okay with it then it is fine, but best to be avoided to prevent potential conflicts.
  • Tagging or linking artists/artworks that you are using as inspiration for heavy referencing will still not be acceptable, as most artists will not reply in this scenario. If you cannot provide proofs of the artist agreeing to the work being referenced, then heavy referencing should not be done.


  • Problematic artworks should be burnt. If collected, then the artist should refund the collectors.

List of Artists that have received weeb3dao's Mint Scholarship

NameTwitter LinkFoundation LinkGasInvite
Adumakei (あづま京)@adumakei@adumakei
Aguno (アグノ)@Aguno_@Aguno

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